Troop Calendar
Attached is the Troop Calendar for the upcoming year, November 2015 – October 2016. Please add these dates to your family calendars.
Reelfoot Campout – Meet Tonight at 6 pm
Reminder: Please bring $10 for lunch on Sunday.
Renewal fees for 2016 due Tuesday
Renewal fees for 2016 are due for all Scouts and BSA registered adults by next Tuesday, November 17th. The fee is $36 for Scouts which includes $24 for registration and $12 for Boys’ Life magazine (siblings may share one Boys’ Life subscription). The renewal fee for registered adults is $24. ScoutBucks may be used. Please pay renewal fees to Mr. Frederick Lee.
Order of the Arrow fees are also due and are $10 for OA members, please pay these to Mr. Brent Snyder.
Adult Volunteers Needed for Greenery Delivery
Our greenery order will be delivered sometime the week of November 16th. We don’t know the exact day or time, but whenever it arrives at the church, we need some adult volunteers to come to the church to sort it into orders and put it inside the Ralph Moak garage. Last year it came on a Tuesday around lunchtime. If you think you may be able to help with this on short notice, please let Gina Eddleman know.
Popcorn Delivery
If you have not picked up your popcorn order, please pick it up from Mr. Ross Earl at next Tuesday’s meeting. Also, if you have any money due for popcorn orders, please turn it into Mr. Earl as soon as possible.
Updated Troop Policy
Attached is a an updated copy of our Troop Policy. All Scouts and parents should read and become familiar with the Policy. Here is a summary of the changes:
· Page 8 – Parental Participation – the following was added: “Faith Presbyterian Church requires adult leaders of Troop 48 acknowledge faith in Jesus Christ and support the church’s views of traditional marriage.”
· Page 15 – Scout Bucks – changed to include Scouters and limited use of Scout Bucks to fees collected by the Troop, unless approved by the Committee Chair and Treasurer.
· Page 16 – Troop Funds – added that adults have one free campout per year and added a provision for reimbursement for Scoutmasters for certain training courses up to $200 per year.
Updated Troop Mobilization Plan
An updated Troop Mobilization Plan is attached. Please keep a printout of this handy with our Troop Roster in case our Troop is asked to assist our community in an emergency.
Upcoming Events
Nov 13-15 – Campout at Reelfoot Lake
Nov 17 – 2016 Renewal fees due ($36 for Scouts/$24 for registered adults) ($10 additional for OA members)
Nov 17 (approximate) – Greenery products delivered
Dec 1 – Christmas potluck and Awards Court of Honor – 6 pm