Troop 48 Update - 2/18/16

Posted on Thu, Feb 18, 2016:

Camporee Practice – Saturday 9am-12

For Camporee practice this Saturday, come dressed for being outdoors and bring a water bottle (no uniform required). Everyone should attend, but if you cannot attend, please let your patrol leader know in advance. Meet at the Ralph Moak garage. The next practice will be Saturday March 5th.


Troop T-Shirt Order due this Tuesday

Attached is an order form for Troop t-shirts. Everyone will need to wear Troop t-shirts to the Camporee campout in April and each day of Skymont Summer Camp. The order form and money is due to Mrs. Peggy Lux by Tuesday February 23rd before 7:00 pm. She will be available before the Troop meeting that night to collect the order forms and money.


Payments due March 1st

The second payment for Skymont summer camp is due at the Troop meeting on March 1st to Mr. Frederick Lee. The payment due is $75 for Scouts and $30 for Adults. The final payment will be due on May 3rd.  


The March campout fee of $25 will also be due at the March 1st Troop meeting. The campout will be March 11-13 at the Jordan Farm and the focus will be Camporee Practice. Please make every effort to sign up for the campout by March 1st so we can plan transportation and food accordingly.  If you must sign up after the deadline, the Scout needs to follow the procedures outlined on the Troop website at


Upcoming Events                                                              

Feb 20 – Camporee practice – 9-12

Feb 23 – Troop t-shirt orders and money due before the Troop meeting

Mar 1 – Second Skymont payment due - $75 for Scouts, $30 for Adults

Mar 1 – March $25 campout fee due

Mar 5 – Camporee practice – 9-12

Mar 7 – Troop Committee meeting – 7 pm

Mar 11-13 – March Campout – Camporee practice

©2024, Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee