Troop 48 Update - 10/6/22

Posted on Wed, Oct 5, 2022:

Popcorn Sale – Orders due no later than this Tuesday, October 11

There is less than one week left to sell popcorn, so please sell as much as possible! Orders, money and prize selections are due on this Tuesday October 11. If you won’t be at the October 11 troop meeting, please email your order to Mrs. Laura Trott ( by October 11. You can turn in the money later, but we must have all orders by October 11. Please turn in popcorn orders and money at the beginning of the troop meeting, do not wait until the end of the meeting. Please see email from Mrs. Laura Trott on 8/14 for details (attached).


2023 Troop Calendar

Our 2023 Calendar has been approved by the Troop Committee.  We presented the calendar at the Court of Honor but attached is a pdf of both the list as well as a table format for easier visualization.

You can also import the Calendar from Scoutbook into your phone calendar or Outlook.  When you log into Scoutbook, select “Events”, then select "My Calendar".  Click the "Subscribe" link below the calendar for the web address of the ICS file to copy which you can upload to your Calendar software.


Troop Service Project on Saturday, October 22

We will have a service project for Faith Presbyterian Church of spreading mulch in the beds at the back of the church on Saturday, October 22 from 9 AM to 11 AM. Scouts can earn service project hours. Please dress in work clothes (no uniforms) and bring wheelbarrows, buckets, shovels if you can. Bring a water bottle and you may want to wear gloves.


Greenery Fundraiser

Our greenery fundraiser is only online this year.  Send this link to your customers for them to order holiday greenery items that will be shipped directly to them via FedEx.

Orders can be placed starting now, but shipping begins November 14, and the last day for orders is December 9. Our troop will earn $8 per item sold. There will not be any Scout Bucks offered for this fundraiser this year. Attached is the greenery brochure that was handed out.


Pancake Breakfast on November 12 – Please sign up to work

We will be having a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday morning, November 12. We need all parents, adults and Scouts to work that morning. All Scouts need to arrive at the church at 7:15 AM on November 12 and stay until clean-up is completed, hopefully by noon. For adults, there are two shifts: 1) 5:30 AM – 8 AM or 2) 8 AM – Noon. Feel free to sign up for both adult shifts if you like, we welcome the help. Tickets for the breakfast will cost $10 per adult and $5 per child (under age 12). Scouts will earn 60% of the profits in Scoutbucks for the tickets they sell and for the hours they work at the breakfast. If you are working at the breakfast and want to eat there, you need to purchase a ticket. Please sign up using this link:  Pancake Breakfast Sign-Up so we can make sure we have enough people to work.


Scouts BSA Registration Fees for 2023 are due November 1

Please pay the 2023 Scouts BSA registration fees to our treasurer, Mr. Fred Lee, by November 1. The amount for Scouts is $90 (including $15 for Scout Life magazine). Brothers may share one Scout Life magazine subscription. The amount for registered adults is $45. If you do not wish to register for 2023, please let John Campbell know.


Upcoming Events                                                             

Oct 11 – Popcorn orders, money and prize selection due

Oct 22 – Troop service project spreading mulch – 9 AM-11 AM

Oct 25 – $25 November Campout Fee due

Nov 1 – Scouts BSA Registration Fee for 2023 due

Nov 4-6 – Backpacking Campout

Nov 7 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

Nov 12 – Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page:    -    Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 


©2025, Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee