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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 9/5/15‏
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Troop 48 Update - 9/5/15‏

Posted on Tue, Sep 8, 2015

September 8th Awards Court of Honor and $25 Campout Fee Due

All Scouts and their families are encouraged to attend our Awards Court of Honor this Tuesday September 8th at 7 pm. We will have lots of pictures from past trips, information and packets for the Greenery sale, and refreshments will be served. Also, the $25 campout fee for the September 18-20 campout will be due on September 8th. Thanks to Mrs. Gina Eddleman for organizing the refreshments, and leading the Greenery sale. Popcorn sale pre-orders for Show & Deliver are also due on September 8th to Mr. Ross Earl (this is optional - see more details below).


Uniform Reminder

Just a reminder, it is back to Class A uniforms for our Troop meetings after Labor Day.


Merit Badge Counselors Needed

We are in need of a Merit Badge Counselor for Journalism. See the MB requirements at the website below. If you feel you are qualified and are available to be a Counselor in this area, please contact Steve or Becky Vietzke.


Popcorn Sale

Our Boy Scout Popcorn Sale is underway, led by Mr. Ross Earl. Proceeds from the popcorn sale benefit the Chickasaw Council and our Troop. 60% of the profits for the Troop for the popcorn sold by a Scout will be allocated to his Scout Bucks account to help pay for campouts. We are not doing a “Show & Sell” this year in front of Lowe’s or Kroger, but we are offering a “Show & Deliver” option, as well as the usual “Take Order” sale. For the “Show & Deliver”, you can pre-order popcorn to sell directly, rather than just taking orders for popcorn to be delivered in November from the “Take Order” sale. If you would like to pre-order for “Show & Deliver”, please turn in your pre-order to Mr. Ross Earl no later than Tuesday, September 8th. The pre-order items should come in around Sept 22nd. These are the only items available for pre-order:

$20 Caramel Corn with Nuts - Closable Bag

$20 Unbelievable Butter Microwave

$20 Butter Light Microwave

$15 Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese

$15 White Cheddar Cheese

$10 Caramel Corn

Here are the due dates for the Popcorn sale:

Sept 8 – Show & Deliver pre-orders due

Sept 22 (approximate) – Show & Deliver products delivered to sell

Oct 27 – Take Order forms due, and Show & Deliver sales money and unsold product due

Nov 17 (approximate) – Take Order products delivered

Dec 1 – All Take Order money and Prize Selection due


If you haven’t received your Take Order form, please see Mr. Ross Earl, or you can print out a form online at

You can also sell popcorn Online to your family and friends who don’t live in the area. See this website for instructions for the online sale


Check outwww.Troop48.organd Facebook

Posted on our Troop website are some new items:

1. Photos from our August canoe trip posted under Photos.

2. A narrative of the trip posted under Scoutmaster's Blog.

Stay up to date on Troop happenings by checking the News section. All of these items are available without having to sign on so please take a look and see what we have been up to.

Also, check out our new trailer wrap pictures on the Troop 48 Facebook page!


Upcoming Events

Sep 8 – $25 Sept campout fee due

Sep 8 – Awards Court of Honor

Sep 8 – Greenery sale kickoff

Sep 8 – Popcorn Show & Deliver orders due (optional)

Sep 18-20 – September campout – Calendar planning at Tishomingo State Park, Iuka, MS

Sep 22 – Sea Base – ½ fees due - $368.57

Sep 22 – (approximate) Show & Deliver popcorn delivered

Sep 29 – $25 October campout fee due

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