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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update 8/28/22
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Troop 48 Update 8/28/22

Posted on Sun, Aug 28, 2022

Sept 9-11 Campout Fee due this Tuesday

The $25 per person campout fee for the Annual Planning campout on September 9-11 is due this Tuesday. Please sign up and pay by the deadline.


Sept 30-Oct 2 Campout fee due Tuesday, September 6

Since regular troop meetings will not be held on September 13 and 20 due to the Aviation Merit Badge, we will have the October campout (9/30-10/2) fee and sign-up due on Tuesday, September 6 (two weeks earlier than usual).


Aviation Merit Badge – Note time change on September 24

The dates of the course in September:

  • Tuesday, September 13th - Classroom training in Room 111 of FPC from 7-8:30 p.m. (Scout meeting room).
  • Tuesday, September 20th - Simulator use at FedEx from 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Directions to follow.) NOTE: No pointed objects allowed on the premises.
  • Saturday, September 24th - Flight time at General DeWitt Spain Airport from 8:30 a.m. to noon. (NOTE NEW TIME.) This includes 'taking the stick' and lunch will be provided. 

We are also looking to carpool to the classes on the 20th and 24th. If you are interested in driving, please let Mr. Issing know. 


For any adult interested in attending the simulation activity, he/ she will need to provide a copy of his/her government-issued ID on the night of the 13th. 

Questions should be asked of Mr. Issing.

NOTE: There will not be a troop meeting on September 13th and 20th.


Family Troop Picnic – Date Change

The troop family picnic originally scheduled for September 13 is rescheduled for October 4 at 6 PM. Parents, please plan to attend.


Popcorn Sale

Our popcorn sale is ongoing now, so please sell as much as possible!  You can sell online or in person. Please see email from Mrs. Laura Trott on 8/14 for details. Orders, money and prize selections are due on October 11.


Upcoming Events 

August 29 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

August 30 – $25 campout fee due for September campout

 Sept 6 – $25 campout fee due for October campout (9/30-10/2)

 Sept 9-11 – September Campout – Annual Planning

 Sept 13 – Aviation Merit Badge at the church – 7 PM – No Troop Meeting

 Sept 20 – Aviation Merit Badge at FedEx – 6:30 PM – No Troop Meeting

 Sept 24 – Aviation Merit Badge at Airport – 8:30 AM

 Sept 27 – Weekly Troop meetings resume – 7 PM

 Sept 30-Oct 2 – October Campout - Recruiting


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 


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