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90th Anniversary Ticket Order Form
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90th Anniversary Ticket Order Form

Posted on Wed, May 1, 2019

Use this to purchase tickets to the banquet.

After clicking on the link "Tix Ord Form", look at the lower left corner of your computer screen. Then, left click on the word document icon for the form to load up. 

   Discussion: 90th Anniversary Ticket Order Form
Dan Guthrie · 5 years, 8 months ago
Say used this to purchase tickets to banquet OK!  I like two. So now? How do i pay you? Dan Guthrie
Barry Back · 5 years, 8 months ago

Hi Dan! Let me know if you haven't heard from anyone. We can hold these tickets for you. btw, I noticed that downloading the ticket form was a bit unclear and confusing. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th!

--Barry Moore

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