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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 7/1/21
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Troop 48 Update - 7/1/21

Posted on Thu, Jul 1, 2021

July 6 Tuesday Troop Meeting  - 7 PM – 8:30 PM

- Meet inside in Room 111 (regular Scout meeting room)

- Masks not required, but you may wear one if you wish

- Sign-up and $25 per person campout fee due this Tuesday for the July 16-18 at Lake Ouachita near Hot Springs, AR for fishing, swimming and kayaking. We will meet at the Ralph Moak garage at 5:30 PM on July 16 and pick-up will be at 3:30 PM on July 18. We will be returning to carpooling together and will no longer require parents to drive their sons to the campouts.

- Please note that we are only allowed to be in Room 111, the entrance lobby, and the restrooms right next to Room 111. All other areas are off limits (Faith Hall, Kitchen, Library, Bridal Room, hallways east and west of the lobby, Chapel)

- We need an adult volunteer to clean the restrooms at the end of the meeting – please sign up at this link to volunteer for this meeting and future meetings:


BBQ Sale Fundraiser

Please pick up your BBQ orders on Saturday, July 3 from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Ralph Moak garage.

We will need volunteers to assist with the BBQ cooking and clean-up:

 July 2: 3 pm – 4 pm – Need adults to help prep the meat in the church kitchen and get the cooker ready.

 July 2:  Overnight – Need adults to monitor the meat – wrapping, basting and pulling off as it reaches the desired temperature. Bring a cot, sleeping bag or mattress to spend the night in the church.

 July 3: 9 am – 1 pm – Need Scouts and adults to help pass out orders, clean the cookers and load equipment. Wear Class B uniforms.

If you can help, please sign up at this link:


Archery Recruiting Event at Shelby Farms

The Council is having a recruiting archery event at Shelby Farms on Saturday, July 3, from 11 AM to 5 PM. They are asking for two adults and 2-3 Scouts to attend to promote Troop 48. The Cub Scout Pack that we usually get new Scouts from has disbanded, so we need to increase our recruiting efforts. A parent’s view on Scouts BSA and Troop 48 is all that is needed to promote membership. If you can assist with this, please contact Scoutmaster Brian Issing. There will be another archery recruiting event on Sunday, August 29 at Temple Israel.


Family Life Merit Badge

Mr. Bo Hormberg will be starting a class soon for the Family Life Merit Badge. If you are interested in starting this merit badge, please contact Mr. Hormberg at, and he will coordinate meeting times with the group.  Also, please contact Scoutmaster Brian Issing or First Assistant Scoutmaster John Dockstader to get approval and the blue card to begin the merit badge.


Committee Chair Position

I am stepping down as Committee Chair and John Campbell will be our new Committee Chair. I will continue to be a committee member and help with the transition. Thanks so much to everyone for your help and support!

Kim Ridenhour


Adult Volunteer Needed to Lead Popcorn Sale

We need an adult volunteer to lead our BSA popcorn sale this fall. The sale usually runs September-November. The popcorn leader is responsible for the following:

· Attend the kick-off meeting for the Council

· Promote the sale in our troop

· Set up popcorn accounts for each Scout

· Collect and aggregate orders from our Scouts

· Place the troop’s popcorn order on the popcorn website

· Pick-up the popcorn and distribute the orders

· Order and deliver prizes

If you can help with leading the popcorn sale this year, please let John Campbell or Kim Ridenhour know.


Upcoming Events 

 July 2 – BBQ cooking (adults)

 July 3 – BBQ pickup – 9-11 am

 July 6 – Troop meeting at 7 PM; July $25 campout fee due; regular weekly troop meetings resume

 July 12 – Troop Committee Meeting on WebEx – 7 PM

 July 16-18 – July Campout at Lake Ouachita


Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown

Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar 

Please visit our Facebook page and 'like' it.

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