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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 1/19/15
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Troop 48 Update - 1/19/15

Posted on Tue, Jan 20, 2015

Troop Trailer Designs

If you have an idea for the design to go on our new Troop trailer, please submit that to Mr. Issing by January 20th. Please contact Mr. Issing if you have any questions.


Kroger Community Rewards

The Kroger Community Rewards program allows our Troop to receive donations from Kroger based on our group’s shopping. Kroger is requiring everyone to re-enroll effective January 1. So please go to the website  and sign up your Kroger shopping card. Our group is called “Boy Scout Troop 48 Faith P.C.” and our number is 80383. This program does not impact any of the Kroger card benefits you receive, it’s just a way for our Troop to get donations from Kroger, so please sign up. 


60th Annual Spaghetti Supper – February 13th

Tickets for the spaghetti supper fundraiser will be given to Scouts to sell on January 27th, and tickets will be $8 each. If a Scout sells 8 tickets, then his meal is free. We need Scouts to be there at 4:00 pm on the 13th in uniform, and we need all parents to help out. Parents, please let Eric Hube know how you would like to help - cook, set-up, work the drive-thru, etc.  We also need each family to provide a dessert on the 13th. The time for the dinner is 5 pm – 7 pm, and we will have a drive-thru open from 4:30 – 5:30 pm.


Welcome to Troop 48!

Please join us in welcoming Darrian Lockett and Ashley Park to our Troop! Darrian is returning to Scouting and a friend of Kyle Ralph. Ashley is a new scout and is related to the Scobey family.


Superbowl BBQ for Sale from Mr. Ralph

Mr. Ralph is cooking his famous BBQ for the Cordova Civitan club selling BBQ pork butts for $40. The deadline for ordering is this Friday, January 23. His brother David Ralph is a member of the Cordova Civitan, which works with the Special Olympics, and they have agreed to support our Troop’s BBQ sale in July.  You can use the attached order form or order directly through Mr. Ralph.


Skymont Summer Camp

Skymont summer camp will be June 6-13. The first deposit of $75 for Scouts and $30 for adults is due February 10 at the Awards Court of Honor. More information about summer camp will be provided at that meeting. The total cost will be $200 for Scouts and $80 for adults. The Troop is subsidizing $60 per person from the Campership fund toward registration fees, transportation and food costs.


Health Forms Due April 30th

Health Forms Parts A, B and C need to be updated annually and are due by April 30th to Mr. Ralph for Scouts and adults. Part C is required for summer camp and requires a physician signature, so make your doctor appointments now. The form can be downloaded from this link -


Camporee Practice

Camporee practice will be this Saturday, January 24 from 9 am – Noon at the Ralph Moak garage. All Scouts are expected to attend. Bring a water bottle and dress appropriately for the weather (uniform not required). If you have a conflict and cannot attend, please let your patrol leader know. The next Saturday Camporee practice will be February 7th.


Boy Scout SundayFebruary 1

We encourage all Scouts and their families to attend the worship service at Faith Presbyterian Church to celebrate Scout Sunday on February 1,  in uniform. Please plan to be at the church at 10:00 am for the annual Troop and Patrol photos. The church service begins at 10:45.


Seabase 2016

If you will be a Scout older than age 14 in 2016 and are interested in a Seabase high adventure trip in 2016, please see Mr. Hormberg. The trip will likely not include scuba and will be less costly than the 2015 trip.


Upcoming Events  

Jan 20 – Troop trailer designs due

Jan 24 – Camporee practice – 9-12

Feb 1 – Boy  Scout Sunday10:00 am for Troop photo

Feb 7 – Camporee practice – 9-12

Feb 10 – Awards Court of Honor, $75 Skymont deposit due, $25 Feb Campout fee due

Feb 13 – 60th Annual Spaghetti Supper – 5-7pm (4:00 pm for Scouts)

Feb 20-22 -  Team-building Campout at Kia Kima  

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 1/19/15

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