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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 2/16/17
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Troop 48 Update - 2/16/17

Posted on Tue, Feb 28, 2017

62nd Annual Spaghetti Supper – Tomorrow, Scouts at 4:00 pm

Please turn in any remaining ticket money and unsold tickets on Friday. Tickets will be available for sale at the door for $10 each, and takeout is available. We need each Troop family to provide a dessert, these can be brought to the church at Faith Hall any time on Friday, but please bring them before 4:00.

We need Scouts to be there at 4:00 pm in uniform, and the time for the dinner is 5 pm – 7 pm. All adults who signed up to help out, please come at the times you volunteered for. If you haven’t volunteered yet, we can use your help any time you can be there on Friday, so please see Kelley Lee for an assignment. We can always use extra help at the end cleaning up.


March Campout fee due Tuesday, Feb 21

Our next campout will be March 3-5 at Pinecrest in LaGrange, TN. Scout-ath-a-lon activities will include orienteering, fire building, first aid, knots, lashing and cooking. The campout fee is $25 and is due next Tuesday on Feb 21. Please make every effort to sign up by the deadline so that our leaders can plan accordingly.  Scouts can sign up after the deadline by following the procedures found at this link:


Welcome to our Newest Scout

We would like to welcome Parker Armstrong and his family to the Troop!  Parker has been attending with his grandfather, Paul Poole.


Camporee Practice, Feb 25 – 9:00 – 12:00

All Scouts need to plan to attend Camporee practice on Saturday, Feb 25 from 9:00 to 12:00. Wear clothing appropriate for the weather and bring a water bottle (no uniforms). Meet at the Ralph Moak garage at 9 am. Please let your Patrol Leader know if you cannot attend. Other Camporee practices will be on March 25 and April 1.


Swim Check – April 11 – Be Prepared

Each Scout and Adult participating in any water activities (swimming, canoeing, skiing, sailing, etc.) need to pass the swim check each year to qualify as a “BSA Swimmer”. Our Troop’s annual swim check will be April 11 at the Germantown Athletic Center. Please make plans to practice swimming or have some swim lessons prior to the swim check. The requirements are:

· Jump feet first into water over the head, level off, and begin swimming.

· Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: side, breast, trudgen, or crawl. Swim 25 yards using an easy, resting backstroke.

· The 100 yards must be completed without stops and must include at least one sharp turn.

· Rest by floating…Long enough to demonstrate ability to rest when exhausted.


PLEASE TURN IN BSA HEALTH FORMS A and B and a copy of insurance card to Mr. Richard Ralph AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. All Scouts and adults attending camping trips need to complete these forms.  Health Form C requires a doctor’s signature and is due by April 25, so make your appointments to visit your doctor soon. Form C is required for trips over 72 hours for Scouts and Adults, (Skymont and the Summer Adventure), but we recommend that all Scouts get Form C completed and turned in by April 25.


Save the Date – April 29 Service Project

We are planning a Troop service project at the church on Saturday, April 29, working on mulching and weeding flower beds. All Scouts need service hours for their rank requirements, so please add this date to your calendar and make plans to be there.


Upcoming Events 

Feb 17 – Spaghetti Supper (Scouts at 4 PM)

Feb 18-19 - Higher Adventurers Ski Trip

Feb 20 – Patrol Leaders’ Council Meeting – 7:00 PM

Feb 21 – March campout fee due - $25

Feb 25 – Camporee practice 9:00 – 12:00

Mar 3-5 – March campout at Pinecrest

Mar 7 – 2nd Skymont deposit due - $75 for Scouts, $30 for Adults

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 2/16/17

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