Posted on Sun, Mar 22, 2020
Some Updates:
Keep Working on Scouting Requirements
We would like to encourage Scouts to continue working on rank advancement and merit badges. Our Scoutmasters and merit badge counselors can be contacted by phone to discuss requirements, and some of them may also do video conferencing. Please be respectful of their time and contact them to schedule a time to talk that is convenient.
The website below has resources to work on rank advancements for Scout through First Class:
Scouts wishing to work on a merit badge must follow the process as located on our Troop 48 website, under Policy and Procedures at this link:
It does start with him calling the Scoutmaster to secure a merit badge counselor. His home number can be found on the troop roster.
This website lists merit badges that can be worked on while practicing social distancing:
There are several Merit Badges that have multiple/serial requirements that can be done alone or in a small group:
- Hiking
- Cycling
- Backpacking
Some Merit Badges with longer tracking requirements:
- Personal Fitness
- Personal Management
Cooking requirement 4 includes multiple at-home meals.
Family Life would also be a great one to work through while everyone is hunkered down.
To help with tracking and documenting progress, download the Merit Badge Worksheets from this website:
Keep up-to-date on Troop activities by visiting our Troop 48 Website and Facebook page: - Facebook: Troop 48 Germantown
Our Troop activity calendar is updated frequently: Troop Calendar
Please visit our FaceBook page and 'like' it.
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