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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 4/18/15
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Troop 48 Update - 4/18/15

Posted on Sun, Apr 19, 2015

Campout fees due this Tuesday for May Campout – Two Choices

There will be a choice of two campouts for the May campout on May 1st-3rd. There will be a backpacking trip on the Buffalo River Trail for more experienced backpackers, and a Scout skills campout for the newer Scouts (although older Scouts can attend also, and are needed to help train the new Scouts). The $25 campout fee is due at the next Troop meeting and please be sure to indicate which campout you want.

Please sign up by the payment deadline. If the payment deadline is missed, the procedure that the Scout must follow to sign up after the deadline is posted our on Troop website under “Procedures”. Here is the link -


Our New Trailer has Arrived!

The new trailer is now parked in the Ralph Moak Garage!  We’re still working on getting artwork put on it, but stop by to take a look.  Many thanks to Dave Parsels and the many others who worked on ordering the trailer!


Thanks to our Adult Volunteers!

Mr. Rob Ragland has completed the training and has been appointed as assistant Scoutmaster for Recruitment. He will also be assisting Mr. Brent Snyder with the new Scouts. Also, Mr. Todd Rook has agreed to take on the role of webmaster for our Troop. We appreciate all of our volunteers, and if you would like to help out, please contact Kim Ridenhour.


Updated Troop Policy

Attached is an updated version of our Troop Policy. The only change is the inclusion of the new electronics policy. All Scouts and their parents should read and become familiar with the Troop Policy as described in this document.


Eagle Court of Honor for Kyle Ralph & Jack Borg – April 19th

The Eagle of Court of Honor for Kyle Ralph and Jack Borg will be Sunday, April 19th at 3 pm at the church. Several Scouts have been asked to participate in the ceremony. There will be a rehearsal for those participating on Sunday, April 19th at 2 pm. If anyone can come earlier than 2 pm to help set up tables and chairs in Faith Hall, help would be appreciated.


Optional Service Project Opportunity – Church Work Day – April 25th

Faith Presbyterian is having a work day from 8-12, Saturday April 25th, primarily mulching flower beds. Scouts interested should attend with a parent. For any Scouts who are not yet First Class, working at least one hour would fulfill the Second Class requirement #5. Service hours earned would also apply for those First Class or higher. Please let Mr. John Campbell know if you are interested in attending at the April 21st Troop meeting.  


Final Skymont Summer Camp payments due April 28th

Final Skymont Summer camp payments are due April 28th. Please also pay any fees due for Merit Badge classes by this date. The final payment is $50 for Scouts, $20 for adults. The total cost is $200 for Scouts and $80 for adults.


Washington DC Trip 2nd Payment due May 5th

The second $100 payment for the July Washington DC trip will be due May 5th at the Awards Court of Honor. The final payment will be due July 7th.


Health Forms Due April 30th

Health Forms Parts A, B and C need to be updated annually and are due by April 30th to Mr. Ralph for Scouts and adults. Part C is required for summer camp and the Washington DC trip for Scouts and adults and requires a physician signature. We encourage all Scouts to have Part C completed, whether attending summer camp or not. All adults attending campouts should also complete Parts A & B. Please also keep a copy of the form you turn in for your records. The form can be downloaded from this link


Friends of Scouting – Consider a Donation

The Chickasaw Council is asking for donations to the Friends of Scouting program to help support the cost of the Scouting program, Camporees, summer camps, and providing Scouting to those who cannot afford it. They are offering a Centennial Award program to Troops that meet certain criteria, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Council. See the attached link to make a donation online ($10 minimum) that is credited to our Troop toward the award goals, and view a video about the Friends of Scouting Campaign:

Do a good turn and make your donation today!


Upcoming Events  

Apr 19 - Eagle Court of Honor for Kyle Ralph & Jack Borg – 3 pm (rehearsal at 2 pm)

Apr 21 - $25 due for May Backpacking campout or New Scout campout

Apr 25 - Optional service project – Church work day 8-12

Apr 28 - Final payment due for Skymont Summer Camp

Apr 30 - Health forms due

May 1-3 - Backpacking or New Scout Campouts

May 5 - Awards Court of Honor

May 5 - $100 Washington DC trip payment due

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 4/18/15

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