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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update - 6/4/15
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BBQ Order Form
BBQ 1st Place Flyer
Skymont Reminders

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Troop 48 Update - 6/4/15

Posted on Fri, Jun 5, 2015

Volunteers needed for Color Guard – June 13th and June 20th – Please help!

We still need several more Scout volunteers for Saturday, June 13th, and maybe one or two more for Saturday, June 20th to serve as a color guard for two programs that Faith Presbyterian church is holding. Scouts participating would need to be there at 3:00 and the program will be from 4-5 with picnic/refreshments served afterward. Please let Mr. Adkins ( and Mr. Ragland ( know if you can volunteer. We want our Troop to help out the church as much as possible, and this will be a good opportunity for us to give back.


BBQ Fundraiser – July 3 & 4 – Sell more BBQ!

Attached is a color flyer in PowerPoint that you can use to put up at your place or work or church to help BBQ sales. You can edit the file to add your name and contact information (Thanks to Mr. Issing for designing this!). Also attached is the BBQ order form (it is also posted on the Troop website). Please turn in all orders and money to Mr. Richard Ralph. Orders are due by June 25th. You can email Mr. Ralph your orders, and have the people pay on July 4th when they pick up the BBQ. We will also need Scouts to help distribute the BBQ on July 4th from 10-12. Please let Mr. Ralph know if you can help on July 4th.


Summer Schedule Reminder

There will be no more Troop meetings in June. Troop meetings will resume July 7, however there will be no meeting on July 14.


Blessings of Liberty Program at Faith Presbyterian

The church is having two programs on June 13th and June 20th from 4:00 – 6:00 pm on the “Blessings of Liberty”, and have invited the Troop families to attend. The doors will open at 3:30, program will be from 4:00-5:00, with refreshments served afterward. Our Scouts will be providing the color guard for these events. The Germantown police and fire departments will have displays to tour as well.


Skymont Summer Camp – June 6-13

Attached are some reminders and packing list for Skymont Summer Camp. Be sure to bring a sack lunch for Saturday, June 6th and money for lunch on the return trip (as well as some spending money for camp). Please be at the Ralph Moak garage on Saturday at 8 am on time! Thanks especially to all of our adult leaders who volunteered for summer camp this year – we realize this is a significant commitment to take a week off from work and family, and we really appreciate your commitment and dedication to Troop 48!


Water Ski Training – June 27

The Collierville Ski Club will be providing a water ski training for our Scouts on Saturday, June 27 at noon. The location is 9710 Holmes Road in Collierville. Please sign up with Mr. Eric Hube. Participants must be classified as a BSA Swimmer.


Final payment for Washington DC trip due July 7

The final $100 payment will be due on July 7th for those attending the Washington DC trip in July.


Technology Help Needed

The Troop Committee is investigating using credit cards with smart phones or PayPal as an option for payments to the Troop, especially for fundraisers. If you have any experience in this area that you could share, please let Kim Ridenhour know.


Upcoming Events

June 6-13 - Skymont Summer Camp

June 9, 16, 23, 30 – No Troop meetings

June 13, 20 – Blessings of Liberty programs (volunteer color guard)

June 25 – BBQ orders and money due

June 27 – Water ski training

July 3 & 4 – BBQ fundraiser

July 6 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 pm

July 7 – Troop meeting 7 pm, final payment for DC trip due

July 11-18 – Washington DC Summer Adventure

July 14 – No Troop meeting


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