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Troop 48 - Germantown, Tennessee
Troop 48 Update 03/09/14
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Troop 48 Update 03/09/14

Posted on Sun, Mar 9, 2014

Reminder – March Campout Fee due next Tuesday, 3/11

Please make every effort for all Scouts to attend the March 21-23 campout to prepare for Camporee. The $20 camping fee is due next Tuesday. It takes a significant amount of planning and effort to arrange the transportation and food for the campouts, and it makes it easier for those planning if everyone signs up and pays the camping fee by the deadline, the 2nd Tuesday prior to the campout. If a Scout misses the deadline and wants to attend the campout, the Scout needs to complete all of the steps listed below. If this procedure is not followed, the Scout will not be permitted to attend the campout.

1) Call his Patrol Leader to see who is purchasing the food.

2) Call the Scout who is buying food to see if the food has been purchased. If not, 
3) Call the Outdoor Activities Coordinator, Mr. Barry Moore, to see if there is room in a vehicle to get where we are going. If yes, 
4) Call the Treasurer, Mr. Lynn Poore, to tell him how he will be paying.

5) Call the Scout who is buying food to say that he has been given permission to attend and needs food purchased for him. 

6) Call his Patrol Leader to say that he has been given permission to attend.


Calendar Update – Camporee Practice on 4/5

There will be a Camporee practice on Saturday, April 5th at the church from 9-12. Wear clothing appropriate for the weather and bring a water bottle. This practice was not included on the original Troop Calendar that was distributed, so please mark your calendars.


Welcome to Chet Adkins

We extend a warm welcome to our newest Life Scout, Chet Adkins, and his family. Chet is transferring from Troop 325, along with his parents, Dink and Lisa Adkins, who are both BSA registered adults.


Congratulations to Brent Snyder

At the Eastern District Banquet last Thursday night, Assistant Scoutmaster Brent Snyder was awarded the Unit Leader Outstanding Volunteer award for Troop 48. Brent was honored for his leadership of the Troop during Brian Issing’s extended business travel last year, and for being responsible for 15 new Scouts who joined our Troop in 2013! We thank Brent for his dedication and service to Troop 48.


Dave Parsels – Assistant Scoutmaster

We are pleased to announce that Dave Parsels has been appointed Assistant Scoutmaster, and is also serving as our Webmaster. Thank you, Dave, for your service and commitment to Troop 48!


March 16th Eagle Court of Honor & March 15th Eagle Project

All families should have received an invitation in the mail to the Eagle Court of Honor ceremony for Mitchell Moore and Noah Montgomery on Sunday, March 16th at 2:00 pm. We would like as many families as possible to attend. Please RSVP to the invitation by emailing Donna Moore at, so they can have an accurate headcount to plan for the refreshments. Scouts who are participating in the program should arrive at 1:00 for rehearsal.


Josh Albert’s Eagle project is March 15th from 9-3 at the Albert home building bookshelves and cubbyholes for Knowledge Quest. Let Josh know if you can volunteer to help – adults and Scouts.


March 25th BSA Swim Check

There will be no regular Troop meeting on March 25th. Instead, we will have a BSA swim check at St. George’s Independent School indoor pool beginning at 6:00 pm. The Knights and Tortugas Patrols should plan to arrive at 6:00 pm and the Pythons and Phoenix patrols can arrive at 6:15 pm. Adults will be tested after the Scouts. All Scouts and adults who want to participate in any water activities must pass the BSA Swim Check. If you cannot attend that night, please let Barry Moore know. The campouts and summer camp for May, June, July and August will all include water activities, so please get your swim check completed on March 25th. There will also be an opportunity to complete requirements 8b and 8c for Second Class and requirements 9b and 9c for First Class (see details below).


Directions to St. George’s - 1880 Wolf River Blvd, Collierville. After you turn into the school's entrance, turn left and follow the circular drive all the way around behind the school. The pool is in a dome-shaped tent-like building next to the tennis courts.


2nd Class:

8b. Demonstrate your ability to jump feet first into water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, then return to your starting place.


Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg, by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects. Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing rescue is possible, and explain why and how a rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim.

1st Class:

9b. Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.

9c. With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both as tender and as rescuer. (The practice victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore in deep water.)


Upcoming Events

Mar 15 – Josh Albert’s Eagle project 9-3 at the Albert home

Mar 16 – Eagle Court of Honor – 2:00 (Rehearsal at 1:00)

Mar 21-23 – Campout for Camporee Prep

Mar 25 – BSA Swimmer Classification Test for Scouts and Leaders – 6:00 (no regular Troop Meeting)

Apr 1 - $20 Due for April campout

 Apr 5 – Camporee practice – 9-12

 Apr 7 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7:00


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