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Troop 48 Update - 5/26/17
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Troop 48 Update - 5/26/17

Posted on Fri, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day Service Project

We will be assisting with flag placement at the West Tennessee Veteran's Cemetery, 4000 Forest Hill Irene Rd, Memphis, beginning at 8 am on Saturday, May 27. We will meet at the Cemetery at 8 am (best to be there by 7:45 am). After the opening ceremony, we will go by the grave of a Troop 48 Alumni to pay our respects.  Be prepared for hard ground - bring a screwdriver & hammer/mallet to make a pilot hole for the flag. Wear your Class A uniform. 


Summer Adventure $45 Payment due June 6

The final payment for the July Summer Adventure of $45 is due on Tuesday, June 6, but if you will be on vacation that week, please pay this Tuesday on May 30.


The Blessings of Liberty Program – You are Invited

Faith Presbyterian Church is having a program called “The Blessings of Liberty” on Saturday, June 3 at 2:00 pm. All Scouts and their families are invited to attend the program, and we would encourage everyone to attend – it would be great to show the church that our Troop supports its programs. Scouts should wear Class A uniforms. Those who have volunteered for the color guard will have a rehearsal on Wednesday, May 31 at 6:30 pm. Please let Mr. Rob Ragland know if you have any questions regarding the color guard.


Attention – All Those who Drive Scouts

We would like to encourage everyone who drives Scouts to take a free online driving safety course by The Hartford Driving Improvement Program on, it only takes about 35 minutes. Everyone could use a refresher how to drive defensively, recognize hazards and prevent collisions (especially living in Memphis!). The safety of our Scouts is very important. Please see the this link for instructions on how to access the training. Free Online Driving Training


BBQ Fundraiser

Attached is the order form and information for our BBQ sale fundraiser, led by Mr. Richard Ralph. Please start taking orders now for BBQ ribs and pork roasts, to be picked up on Sunday, July 2nd from 12:00 – 2:00. All orders are due by June 27th, but please  email or text Mr. Ralph your orders as you get them, so he can plan appropriately for the grill size. It will also be easier to turn in orders to him by June 6th before we have our summer break. Funds raised from this sale will help subsidize the Troop’s activities, so please sell as much as you can. You do not want to miss out on this great BBQ from Mr. Ralph’s award-winning Serial Grillers BBQ team!


Class B Uniforms

The Troop will change to Class B uniforms (Troop t-shirts) for Troop meetings beginning May 30 and continuing until Labor Day. Class A uniforms will still be worn traveling for trips.


Summer Break

Just a reminder that there will be no Troop meetings June 13 through July 11. Troop meetings will resume on July 18.


Upcoming Events 

 May 27 – Flag Placement Service Project at West TN Veterans Cemetery

 May 31 – Rehearsal for Blessings of Liberty program – 6:30 PM

 Jun 3 – Blessings of Liberty program – 2 PM

 Jun 5 – Troop Committee Meeting – 7 PM

 Jun 6 – Final $45 payment for Summer Adventure due

 Jun 10-17 – Skymont Summer Camp

 Jun 13-July 11 – No Troop Meetings

 Jun 26 – Troop Committee Meeting for July – 7 PM

 Jun 26 – 88th Anniversary of Troop 48

 Jul 1-2 –  BBQ Fundraiser

 Jul 8 -14 – Summer Adventure

 Jul 17 - Patrol Leaders’ Council meeting – 7 PM

 Jul 18 – Troop Meetings Resume

   Discussion: Troop 48 Update - 5/26/17

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